Pet Wellness Exam

At The Village Vet in Baltimore, we share the American Veterinary Medical Association's belief in the importance of annual pet wellness exams. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your pet's long-term health and happiness. Regular checkups allow our veterinarians to detect any potential health concerns early on, enabling prompt treatment and minimizing discomfort for your pet. Wellness exams also provide an opportunity for preventive care, such as vaccinations and parasite control, to safeguard your pet's health. In this blog post, we'll explore what to expect during a typical pet wellness exam.

Pet Wellness

What to Expect During a Pet Wellness Exam

When you visit our animal hospital with your pet, you can expect a comprehensive examination. Our team takes a thorough approach to ensure your pet's continued well-being. We will take the time to discuss any concerns you may have and address any abnormalities discovered during the exam. Here's a breakdown of a typical wellness exam:

•             Detailed Interview: Our team will begin with a brief interview, asking questions about your pet's diet, exercise routine, bathroom habits, and overall behavior. This is also your opportunity to voice any specific concerns you have about your pet's health.

•             Vital Signs: Next, we will take your pet's vital signs, including weight, pulse, and temperature. This establishes a baseline for comparison and helps identify potential issues like infection.

•             Physical Examination: The core of the wellness exam is a comprehensive physical examination. The veterinarian will meticulously examine your pet's ears, eyes, teeth, and gums. They will also assess your pet's gait and range of motion, palpate for any enlarged organs, and check the skin and coat for abnormalities like parasites or allergies.

•             Preventive Care: The latter part of the exam will involve the administration of any necessary vaccines and parasite medication, including heartworm prevention.

•             Personalized Recommendations: Following the examination, your veterinarian will discuss their findings and provide recommendations tailored to your pet's specific needs. This may include suggestions for further diagnostic testing, dietary modifications, or a dental cleaning.

Contact A Veterinarian Near You

If you're located in the Baltimore area and seeking a friendly and dedicated veterinarian to perform comprehensive wellness exams or address any other medical needs your pet may have, contact The Village Vet at (410) 367-8111 . Our experienced staff is here to assist you and ensure your pet receives the best possible care.